Photo: NZ Trucking magazine Editor Dave McCoid presents Merv Solly, managing director Sollys Contracting with the Top Truck 2015–2016 Award. (From Left) Barry Power, representing Power Retreads, Driver of the winning truck Lawrence ‘Shiny‘ Shadbolt, Dave McCoid, Merv Solly, Ed Solly, Ruby the black lab, and representing CablePrice, Steve Menzies.
The Top Truck for 2015–2016 encompasses everything the criteria requires – not necessarily brand new, immaculately presented, and a solid performer in its position on the company balance sheet!
“That‘s bloody champion, real cool,” said Ed Solly when we rang to say the company‘s Scania R560 stock unit (August Top Truck 2016) had taken out Top Truck 2015–2016.
“When are you coming down to do that?”
“How‘s next Friday morning?” we said.
“Yep sounds good, I‘d better put the jug on; and bring your overalls, there‘s bobby calves straight after.”
Such is life at Takaka-based Sollys Contractors. In this home-grown kiwi business there‘s no golden geese or sacred cows; every fleet number works hard to keep its parking place on the balance sheet. When Lawrence ‘Shiny‘ Shadbolt flashes past it‘s difficult to comprehend the big Scania is a 2012 model with over 400,000km under its wheels, a reflection of the dedication he commits to his profession, company and machine.
New Zealand Trucking Magazine, Power Retreads, and CablePrice Ltd extend huge congratulations to Shiny and Sollys Contractors for taking out this year‘s Top Truck title.
Power Retreads is the major sponsor of both the monthly Top Truck competition and the Top Truck of the Year Competition. The winner receives a full set of Vipal premium retread drive tyres.