Nats slam Govt’s transport spending priorities

The National Party is hitting out at the Government’s transport spending, claiming its priorities are not where they should be.
National’s Transport spokesperson Simeon Brown said more than 54,000 potholes needed repairing on New Zealand’s State Highways in 2022, the highest level in a decade.
“Kiwis are sick and tired of driving on roads that are peppered with potholes, which have been damaging vehicles and causing havoc for motorists,” he said.
“I am continually hearing from Kiwis who say the roads are the worst they’ve ever seen them, and these figures prove it.”
Brown said Labour has been fixated on transport projects “Kiwis don’t want”, such as light rail for Auckland and a cancelled cycle bridge.
“Transport Minister Michael Wood must slam the brakes on his wasteful spending.”
Instead of focusing on building and maintaining the roading network, Labour has been spending Kiwis hard-earned road taxes on:
According to the National Party, the Labour Government has spent $6.1 million advertising the Road to Zero policy, $51 million on Auckland’s cancelled cycle bridge, and $53 million on consultants for Auckland light rail.
“National will stop Labour’s wasteful spending, which has left our State Highways in a sorry state,” said Brown.
“We will refocus transport policy on the issues that Kiwis face on our roads, including building and maintaining our roading network.”