Te Pūkenga begins engagement on draft operating model

In News2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineOctober 22, 2021

Te Pūkenga is commencing engagement on its proposed operating model.

Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology chair Murray Strong said the operating model provides a high-level view of the functions and services needed to meet the needs of learners, their whānau and employers.

“The proposed operating model gives us a description of what the future experience will look like for learners, employers, staff and iwi, hapū, and Māori. It gives us a foundation for change so that we, as a network, can achieve the goals of the Reform of Vocational Education,” he said.

“The operating model breaks down the system into its core components and that’s what we’re talking about,” Strong said.

“Early next year we’ll talk about organisation design – how we put those core components together, and then organisation structure – how individual teams are inter-related and contribute to the whole organisation.”

The proposed operating model includes three key areas:

Strategic functions interact with and support other parts of the network and system to form strategic insights and embed the network’s strategic direction. They identify opportunities for innovation, measure the impact of initiatives and interventions, and the network’s performance.

Enabling functions sustain the other functions and information flows between them to enable quality, certainty and consistency across the network. Bringing together these core enabling functions also drives efficiencies and reduces duplication within the network.

Teaching, learning, support and navigation functions determine how we interact directly with our learners, their whānau, and employers to deliver high quality education and effective holistic wellbeing support and empowerment.