Transporting New Zealand adopts new constitution and governance structure

Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand has formally adopted a new constitution and governance structure, focused on sector advocacy and delivering member priorities.
The new constitution introduces a single national membership structure, supported by regional branches and sector groups. This replaces the current system, built around four separately governed regional associations.
Transporting New Zealand’s national membership will now directly elect board members and sector group representatives at national elections – the first of which will occur in Napier on 4 October. The existing board will remain in place until then.
Transporting New Zealand chair Warwick Wilshier said that the new constitution and governance structure enable the organisation to deliver the services members want now and in the future, and ensure compliance with the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
“I’m proud of the comprehensive programme of consultation and engagement that our board, staff, lawyers, regional executives and reference groups have done over the past year to support this organisational update. We needed to bring our membership with us throughout the process, and we’ve done so,” Wilshier said.
“The last few years have brought significant change for our organisation, with the merger of Road Transport Forum and Road Transport Association New Zealand into Transporting New Zealand in 2021. We remain committed to building sector unity and delivering for our industry,” he said.
“Transporting New Zealand’s new constitution and governance changes will help ensure our organisation remains effective, relevant, and fit for purpose. Our members will see an increased focus on advocacy, member discounts and events and sector priorities.”