Work to remove 4500m3 Waioeka Gorge slip well underway

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJuly 10, 2017

The NZ Transport Agency says work to remove the slip on State Highway 2 between Opotiki and Gisborne is well underway with several trucks clearing the debris at both ends.

Approximately 1000m3 of debris fell across both lanes on Friday afternoon at the midway point of the Waioeka Gorge, but a further 3500m3 has come down since then.

Trucks and heavy machinery were used onsite today on both sides of the slip when weather allowed.

Engineers have also been assessing the cause of the slip and will return again tomorrow. It‘s an active slip so caution is needed while managing the site.

The NZ Transport Agency‘s Regional Director Parekawhia McLean says the volume of material and the extra rock removal that is required may mean the road cannot be safely opened until Thursday.

“All available resources will be used to get the road open as quickly as possible.

“People can use State Highway 35 as an alternative route but this will add a considerable amount of time to a journey so allow extra time,” Ms McLean says.

Opotiki District Council and Gisborne District Council have closed the old Motu Road so it is not available as a detour.

People can check the road conditions by calling 0800 4 HIGHWAYS/0800 44 44 49, using our website or following us on Facebook and Twitter (@NZTAWaiBOP).
