Urgent repairs are needed to the approaches to the single lane Eve‘s Creek Bridge, 70 km southwest of Renwick. The Eve‘s Creek Bridge itself is not in need of repair, but there is severe surface damage at the approach to the bridge.
The repairs are being done over two consecutive nights, and are weather dependent.
The closures are scheduled for the following dates:
• Sunday night 11 June at 7pm to Monday morning, 12 June at 6am
• Monday night 12 June at 7pm to Tuesday morning, 13 June at 6am
If it is wet on Sunday and Monday nights, this work will transfer to the evenings of Tuesday 13 June and Wednesday 14 June.
The detour will require motorists to travel through Nelson and come out at Renwick/Blenheim, or travel south via Nelson, to where SH 63 meets SH 6 at Kawatiri Junction. This will add about 80km or an hour to the