AU Govt launches $20m in grants for cleaner trucks and better roads

In News2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJuly 28, 2023

The Australian Government has launched a $20 million package to improve air quality in Melbourne’s inner western suburbs.

Of that, $15 million will target truck operators who regularly use inner western roads, as well as grants to support a transition to trucks that produce fewer emissions.

A further $5 million in grants will be made available to local councils to seal local roads, reducing dust pollution.

The Labor Government is already taking action to reduce air pollution through its investments in climate change and renewable energy. Its Zero Emissions Vehicle Roadmap is supported by a $100 million investment to ensure Victoria is a leader in adopting zero emissions vehicles.

Melbourne’s inner west experiences significantly higher volumes of heavy vehicle traffic than other parts of Melbourne due to its high concentration of industrial uses, including empty container parks, and its proximity to the Port of Melbourne.

“We promised we’d make air cleaner in Melbourne’s inner west and that’s what we’re doing: replacing emissions-heavy old trucks and sealing roads to reduce dust pollution,” said Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne.

The   Labor   Government   is working   with   community   and   industry   to   reduce   the environmental impact of heavy vehicles, while making roads safer for pedestrians by lowering speed limits and banning trucks on some roads.

The completion of the West Gate Tunnel Project in 2025 and the introduction of truck bans will remove 9000 trucks from roads in the inner west and cut congestion for local communities.

Minister for Environment Ingrid Stitt added, “Through this important package and the implementation of our Air Quality Strategy, we’re taking action to improve air quality and tackle pollution in the west.”