Recent Appointment: Josh McKay – associate partner Crediflex
Josh was born and bred in the Wairarapa, and after leaving school he headed to Lincoln University where he studied for a Bachelor of Commerce in Agriculture, majoring in rural finance and farm management. Just home from an OE in southeast Asia, an opportunity came up to join Crediflex as an associate partner based in the Wairarapa and servicing the lower North Island, so he grabbed it with both hands.
“I am a down to earth, practical, rural bloke who enjoys numbers and getting out in the field. My role with Crediflex is to arrange plant, equipment, vehicle and business finance for New Zealanders. I source the best solutions for my clients, which allows them to focus on running their business.”
When not crunching great numbers Josh enjoys fishing and diving on the Wairarapa coast, namely Ngawi. He plays hockey for the local Dalefield side and enjoys riding motorbikes around the region