RIGS OF 2006 – Jan Feb Iveco Powerstar – DBF914

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJune 15, 2016

Rob Byers was one of the first in New Zealand to purchase the new Iveco Powerstar, fitted with the ‘No option‘ Cursor engine, ZF Iveco Eurotronic II AMT transmission and Iveco diffs.

The tractor ran in Provincial colours, hauling a 3-axle skeletal trailer between Hamilton and Auckland during the day and a 5-axle B-train at night. The accumulated runs totalled around 1,000 kilometres a day. 

The engine was rated at 550hp producing 2350Nm (1733lb/ft) and the early fuel figures were indicating 2.3 km/litre at the time it was road tested. It was sold to NZ Trucks and on-sold to Peter Turner Contracting Ltd in Christchurch where it has had a complete and dramatic makeover, now looking like a brand new truck.

The truck joined a fleet comprising three other Ivecos and a Nissan, and has now covered over a million kilometres. There are no available records of its mechanical performance although Peter Turner believes that it has had no major work done on it and he has no hesitation sending it ‘out of town‘ any time. It has done 30,000 kilometres since August 2014 in Peter‘s fleet. 



More RIGS OF 2006 here: 

jan-feb-iveco-powerstar march-daf-fttxf95-cue204-now-eed47 april-freightliner-century-class-cus864




