Calm needed over spat with boy racers

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJuly 13, 2017

Road Transport Forum chief executive Ken Shirley is urging both sides to exercise restraint following the incident between a truck driver and street racers in Penrose on Friday night.

“This has got totally out of hand and both sides need to just calm down,” says Shirley. “The kind of vigilante justice being threatened from both sides principally through social media is totally unacceptable and does nothing to help the situation.”

Shirley said the incident that kicked all this off was “extremely ugly”, and that no driver deserved to be attacked at their place of work, regardless of who was originally at fault for the accident.

“The Road Transport Forum and our associations urge anyone associated with our industry to take a deep breath and stop escalating what is obviously a volatile situation.”

Shirley said any illegal activity on either side should be dealt with by the appropriate authorities.
