Castrol Vecton – the world‘s first certified carbon neutral diesel engine oils

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineApril 3, 2019

In February 2019, Castrol introduced their Castrol Vecton range of diesel engine oils as being certified CO2 neutral.

This follows the 2015 launch, through BP Target Neutral, where the Castrol Professional oil range was launched as the world‘s first certified CO2 neutral range of engine oils. Since then, Castrol New Zealand has offset over 1200 tonnes of additional CO2 from entering the atmosphere.

Globally, in making Castrol Professional CO2 neutral with BP Target Neutral, to date Castrol has offset over one million tonnes of additional CO2 from entering the atmosphere, which is equivalent to taking 500,000 cars off the road in Europe annually.

Castrol Vecton CO2 neutral, and the Castrol Professional CO2 neutral portfolio means 50% of Castrol‘s New Zealand engine oil products are certified CO2 neutral – this is one step in a longer journey and a continuation of the company‘s commitment to reducing the automotive industry’s CO2 footprint.

For every litre used of Castrol Professional or Castrol Vecton, a business can reduce, replace and neutralise 2kgs of CO2.

Neutralising the CO2 footprint of the Castrol Vecton product is achieved by analysing the whole of the product life cycle, from cradle to grave. Offset credits are sourced from eight carbon reduction projects in six countries.

The offsetting projects with BP Target Neutral to date has supported the protection of more than 40,000 hectares of globally significant habitat; improved the livelihoods of more than 2,200,000 people through better health; reduced more than 2,500,000 tCO2e per year; provided education and training for nearly 5000 people, and generated nearly 8300 GWh of renewable energy.

To maintain certification and the right to use the BSI Standard PAS 2060 certification trademark, Castrol must quantify their carbon footprint; set carbon reduction targets; offset unavoidable emissions; publish and report annually, and certify and assure via a third party (Ernst & Young independently audit Castrol‘s carbon neutral certification).
