CAx goes AIAx: Artificial Intelligence learns from experts
It is hoped that, in
The aim is for Artificial Intelligence to help manage the large, complex amounts of data involved in the digitalisation of the product development process. In the next three years, a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the aegis of Daimler AG will carry out basic research.
Where numerical simulations are used in design and development, computers relieve humans of complex computational processes. However, human expertise is still required in order to assess the results, for assessment is often complex. A key role is played by ‘soft‘ criteria, such as the experience, ‘gut feeling‘ or ‘human judgement‘ of experts. So far, that is something only humans can do.
With the development of Artificial Intelligence, it becomes conceivable to store expert knowledge in computers and apply their decision-making criteria to complex simulation results. The goal of the current AIAx research project is to combine different mathematical processes in order to develop a methodology to enable machines to learn how to make an expert assessment. Specifically, computers are to be fed with human experience to allow them to make worthwhile assessments.
Daimler already employs Artificial Intelligence in a variety of fields, including image recognition and image comprehension in the development of autonomous driving as well as speech recognition and predictive functions in the
The BMBF-funded project is a further element of comprehensive Artificial Intelligence research, the purpose of which is to explore possible ways of using AI as a tool for products and services as well as for supporting the development and production process.
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