Compulsory recall for alpha generation Takata airbags

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineApril 5, 2018

The Government has issued a compulsory recall for about 50,000 vehicles in New Zealand that are fitted with alpha type Takata airbags.

 The airbags have a design fault that means they pose a severe risk of failure in a crash. The airbag inflators may explode, showering the vehicle‘s occupants with fragments. Failure of the airbag inflator could cause serious injury or death.

 The recall had been voluntary in New Zealand since it was discovered a global recall of Takata airbags could affect up to 100 million vehicles worldwide, across 12 different vehicle manufacturers.

 Faulty Takata airbags have caused a reported 23 deaths and more than 230 injuries worldwide, but there have been no injuries or fatalities in New Zealand related to the faulty product.

 You can find out if your vehicle is affected by visiting this product recall site –


