Consultation on proposed new regulations for plant, structures, working at heights, and excavation

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineAugust 7, 2019

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is currently consulting on proposed changes to regulations to improve protections for people working with plant, structures, heights and excavations.

The focus is on:


Mobile plant

Design, manufacture, supply, import and installation of plant or structures

High-risk plant

Working at heights and scaffolding

Excavation work

A request has been made to MBIE to hold industry forums in Auckland and Christchurch for members of the Forklift Industry, Hire & EWP Associations. Members will be advised of dates in due course (likely to be early to mid-September).

In the meantime, members are asked to take time to review and understand the information provided by MBIE. Submissions can be made directly to MBIE, or via one of the above-mentioned associations. 

Different people will have different levels of interest depending on the nature of their business or industry sector they operate within. MBIE suggests everyone reads Section 1 Overview and Section 8 Offences and transitional arrangements, in addition to the sections most relevant to the reader. 

View information or make a submission via this link:
