Feedback sought on SH2 through Waioeka Gorge

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is seeking feedback on possible options to improve the resilience and safety of SH2 through the Waioeka Gorge. The Waioeka Gorge’s geology, topography and climate conditions mean that the road is vulnerable to slips and rockfall which can result in lengthy road closures.
“Waka Kotahi is preparing a business case that will recommend the best ways to reduce the risk of long and medium-term closures while also making safety improvements and providing better access to communities through the Waioeka Gorge,” said regional system design manager Sarah Downs.
“We’re considering a range of solutions across a number of sites, from monitoring equipment through to medium-scale construction projects, and we’re interested in what people think. We also want to make sure that we haven’t missed any sites where people think we should improve safety.”
The project team has met with iwi and community partners, stakeholders and technical specialists to develop the short list.
“We’re also collecting people’s stories about their experiences with previous closures of the gorge and what this meant for them, their whānau, community or business,” Downs said.
“This could be anything from additional costs in fuel or accommodation, to missing important experiences, events and appointments. All feedback is helpful in shaping the options that we will proceed with for the Waioeka Gorge.”
There is an online interactive map where people can see the site locations and photos, and make comments about those or at any other sites through the Gorge. Alternatively, people can also request a hard copy of these and provide written feedback.
Once the business case is complete, funding will be considered for design and construction. Feedback is open until 1 November 2021.