Green Party welcomes re-opening of the Napier-Wairoa railway line

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJune 14, 2019

The Green Party has welcomed the re-opening of the Napier-Wairoa railway line announced today.

Green Party MP Gareth Hughes said the Greens are committed to regional rail, which should be the backbone of New Zealand‘s transport system for people and freight.

“The Greens are pleased to be part of a Government that is upholding our commitment to restoring our railways in the regions.

“The restoration of this line will provide a huge boost to the local economy, it will create jobs and keep people connected in the regions. It will mean fewer trucks on the roads, less pollution, and lower freight costs for businesses. This is a win for regional development and for clean transport.”

Hughes said the Green Party would like to see the line extended from Wairoa to Gisborne in the near future.

“Our 2017 policy was to re-open the full line from Napier to Gisborne and we look forward to the result of the study currently looking into it.

“Our priorities in Government included expanding rail networks in the cities and in the regions. We are glad to be delivering on this commitment.”
