Ian and Kristi Walker announce resignations from IVECO New Zealand

In Iveco2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMay 4, 2018

IVECO New Zealand country manager Ian Walker and his wife, Kristi, who is product, marketing and network development manager there, have announced their resignations.

Ian joined the company in April 2015 after 15 years with Daimler in the UK and USA, and leading the Freightliner and Mercedes-Benz brands in New Zealand from 2004 to 2011. Kristi joined IVECO six months later, after a similar amount of time with Daimler and managing Daimler Trucks North America Freightliner brand for Australia and New Zealand, as well as product managing the DD5 & DD8 engine launch for Detroit.

“I joined IVECO with no preconceived ideas of the task ahead,” says Ian. “The brand is one of the oldest CV brands in the world and it had become stale in New Zealand. Our goal was always a three-year plan and we immediately set about turning around the brand’s presence in the market. From 2015 to today our volume has almost tripled, our work force increased by 25%, our market share more than doubled in some areas, and our profits are the healthiest they have ever been.

“These results have allowed IVECO to invest in the new Auckland-based headquarters and state-of-the-art retail facility due to open in August this year. It has been a great journey here at IVECO New Zealand and we are leaving the company in very capable hands.”

Kristi says IVECO New Zealand has some amazing employees, some who have been with the brand for decades.

“Their customer following shows their commitment to the brand and their character. We thank them for the joy they‘ve brought to our roles and their critical involvement in IVECO‘s recent success.”

On a personal note, Kristi says she is excited for their next chapter as a family and they are taking their children on a year-long travel adventure around the world before looking for that next challenge.

“We wish IVECO New Zealand, its customers and staff every success for the future”.

