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In Photo Competition, Pic of the Month, Fuso, October 20212 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineNovember 22, 2021

The premise for the Rhino Photo of the Month competition is a New Zealand truck doing something in New Zealand. The wee kicker is that we will be a little more kind on images only the driver can get, you know, taken in those out-of-the-way places.

This month’s winner may at first appear to miss on that latter preference, but look again. What is it you can’t see? It was taken just after last year’s level 4 lockdown, and Conroy Removals driver Craig Aitchison snapped this absolute beauty of his Fuso HD Euro on a Queenstown waterfront, free of humanity. Surely that’s a once-in-alifetime pic only the driver at that moment could get?

Of course, then there’s the point that if you tried to concoct an image depicting iconic New Zealand trucking subculture in a setting that is our postcard to the world, a Conroy Removals truck taken on the banks of Lake Wakatipu, with Queenstown and the SS Ernslaw in the background, must surely take the Oscar!

Oh, and speaking to the subject of culture. Mark Carter from the company’s Christchurch operation submitted the image, a veteran of over three decades service in the Napier-based company founded by Dave Conroy in the early 70s. He said it’s not hard at all to find multi-decade staff members within company ranks, which surely encapsulates business for all the right reasons.

Well done the team at Conroys on every count. You’re our Rhino Photo of the Month winner for October 2021.