Investing to kick-start key infrastructure in Kaipara

3 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineFebruary 4, 2019

The Government will help pave the way for future economic growth in Kaipara with a $20.39m investment from the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) to strengthen the district‘s transport infrastructure and food and horticulture sector.

“There has been a long history of underinvestment in Northland, particularly in infrastructure,” said Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. “The Government is committed to investing in the public services and infrastructure that make our country and communities strong.

“The PGF is at the heart of our Government‘s plan to grow New Zealand‘s regions and ensure all New Zealanders share in a strong and growing economy. One of the key priorities of the PGF is investing in infrastructure to create strong regional foundations, create new long-term jobs and drive growth.”

Ardern said reliable transport infrastructure is crucial to Northland‘s economic success as it affects every part of the region‘s economy. Strengthening transport links is critical to fully unlocking the potential of the North and enable new opportunities for local people and business.

The Government will invest $19.41 million to upgrade transport links in Kaipara. An additional $6.84 million will be invested from the National Land Transport Fund; this, plus local contributions, bring the total investment in Kaipara transport infrastructure to $27.26 million.

“We will also explore upgrading Kaipara wharves and water transport with the Kaipara Moana helping the district leverage more benefits from the Kaipara Harbour, the biggest in New Zealand.”

The Government will also invest $980,000 towards Kaipara Kai – a project that will explore new crop and stock types, and aquaculture opportunities for the region.

Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones said the projects would not only enable greater land utilisation, but also create more resilient communities and have significant environmental impacts for the district.

“From primary industry to tourism, Northland is primed for strong growth and resilient, reliable transport network is an important part of achieving this growth,” Jones said.

“Local people have told us that infrastructure is a priority for them and a key enabler of future economic growth. This announcement demonstrates our commitment to working with regions to generate new economic opportunities.”

