Kaikoura, SH1 south side: Parititahi Tunnel damaged by hiab hitting entrance

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineFebruary 14, 2018

Assessment and scaling underway at the Parititahi Tunnel this morning

Kaikoura‘s State Highway 1 south of the town, Peketa to Goose Bay, closed around 9 am today after a hiab (truck with a lift/crane attached to the deck) hit the left corner of the Parititahi Tunnel portal, damaging the entrance.

“The tunnel portal had a small crack in the same area but this latest hit has caused more damage which requires stabilising,” says Tim Crow, NZ Transport Agency Earthquake Recovery Manager.

The North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR)‘s tunnel crew is hand scaling the tunnel portal to break off loose and broken bits of concrete.

“They will continue to remove loose material and stabilise the tunnel portal. Later today they will use reinforced shotcrete to help hold the entrance together. Mechanical bolts will be inserted to further secure the tunnel portal,” says Mr Crow.

The status of the tunnel will be assessed by 3 pm and whether or not the highway south of Kaikoura will be able to open at that point will be known then also.

Check the Traffic and Travel page on the NZ Transport Agency website for updates then:http://www.journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/roadclosures/201639
