More opposition against Cobham Drive crossing

A new poll has shown “overwhelming” support for an overpass on Cobham Drive, Wellington, rather than the proposed pedestrian crossing.
The Progress Wellington poll of 750 Miramar, Strathmore and Seatoun residents found only 17% prefer a crossing, even when the extra cost of an overbridge is taken into account, with 83% of residents believing the proposed crossing will make congestion worse.
Nick Leggett, chief executive of the Road Transport Forum, said the poll shows affected residents are concerned at this proposal to slow down traffic.
“Let’s Get Wellington Moving must listen and put in a plan that addresses the concerns of residents, as well as the driving industries, passenger transport, tradies, and heavy trucks – all who are equally concerned at the thought that there is going to be more congestion on SH1. No one can afford it, it must be avoided,” he said.
Simon Arcus of Wellington Chamber of Commerce said, “Let’s Get Wellington Moving needs to listen to what Wellingtonians are saying.
“It’s clear from this poll that it is not just an issue that impacts businesses, it also has impacts for thousands of concerned local residents,” he said.
“Progress Wellington is calling on LGWM to develop solutions for all transport users and to speed the city up, not slow it down. The Cobham crossing is an example of short-term thinking when there is a much better solution on the table with widespread support.”