MP Jami-Lee Ross appointed new opposition spokesperson for transport

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMarch 15, 2018

Following Simon Bridges‘ success in securing the leadership of the National Party, MP for Botany Jami-Lee Ross has been named spokesperson for transport and also infrastructure.

Bridges says his new caucus reflects his intention to make the most of the party‘s considerable experience as well as new talent – and to recognise hard work, new ideas and success.

“The National Party caucus is brimming with energy and enthusiasm and a willingness to work in the best interests of New Zealand. This new line-up reflects that.

“It is a strong mix of former ministers and senior MPs alongside emerging ones who have proven to me they have what it takes to hold this Ardern-Peters Government to account, to listen to New Zealanders and to develop new policies for the 2020s.”

Ranked eighth on National‘s list, Ross was elected to Parliament as the Member for Botany in the March 2011 by-election.

He began his political career in 2004 representing the Howick Ward as a Manukau City councillor and was subsequently re-elected to the council in 2007. After the formation of the Auckland Council in 2010, he was elected as a councillor for the newly enlarged Howick Ward and became co-leader of the Citizens & Ratepayers Party.

Ross trained at Ardmore Flying School and holds a commercial pilot‘s licence.
