MSD-led Auckland initiative to drive people into work

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJuly 29, 2019

The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is leading an initiative in Auckland to help people gain their driver‘s licence.

“We recognise how important it is for people to have a driver‘s licence.  Auckland jobseekers have an advantage if they have a licence, and in some cases, it can be the deciding factor on whether they get the job,” says Minister for Social Development, Carmel Sepuloni.

MSD has joined forces with other agencies and local organisations on the initiative, including the Ministry of Justice, New Zealand Police, Auckland Business Chamber, Rule Education Trust, Blue Light Ventures, New Zealand Automobile Association, VTNZ and low-decile secondary schools across the region.

The initiative is a three-year commitment and over the next financial year will help more than 3000 people gain their driver‘s licence.

“It‘s targeting people who don‘t have a licence, or who have stalled at a licence stage. This may be a young person who‘s been referred by the police, a student from a low-decile secondary school, or an MSD client of working age,” says Sepuloni. “The Auckland initiative is part of a wider national programme of support for driver licensing.”

In June MSD launched a national scheme for youth, in partnership with Oranga Tamariki and the NZ Transport Agency. MSD clients more generally can also get help with getting or renewing a licence.

In the six months to March 2019, MSD helped 5500 New Zealanders get a driver‘s licence.

“Supporting young people to get a driver‘s licence will make the roads safer for everyone and will allow more opportunities for work and training,” Sepuloni says.
