Mt Messenger bypass decision a major milestone

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineDecember 11, 2018

The NZ Transport Agency says the decision and recommendation released today by Independent Hearing Commissioner Stephen Daysh on the Mt Messenger Bypass Project granting the resource consents for the project and recommending to the NZ Transport Agency that the Notice of Requirement (NOR) be confirmed is a major milestone and reflects a tremendous amount of effort and input from technical experts, communities and other stakeholders.

The Commissioner’s decision and recommendation are subject to conditions on both the resource consents and the designation.  Conditions were proposed by the Transport Agency,  and discussed with other parties during the hearing.  The Transport Agency is considering the Commissioner’s decision and recommendation, including whether to accept the recommendation in relation to the NOR, and no further comment on the decision will be provided at this stage.

Background information

The project involves the construction and operation of a new section of SH3, north of New Plymouth. This new section, 6km in length, will bypass the existing steep, narrow and winding section of SH3 at Mt Messenger.  The bypass will improve the safety of travel on SH3, enhance resilience and journey time reliability which will contribute to enhanced local and regional economic growth, while managing environmental effects.
