New Zealand Trucking magazine tops sales analysis

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMay 2, 2017

Scandata magazine sales analysis for the year April 2016 to March 2017 have just been released and New Zealand Trucking magazine is clearly the biggest seller when it comes to truck magazines.

The official figures are:
New Zealand Trucking magazine incorporating Truck Trader – 10,749 copies
NZ Truck & Driver – 7,281 copies
Deals on Wheels – 3,056 copies
Truck Journal – 1,840 copies
Equipment Guide – 213 copies

Scandata is compiled from scanned sales at supermarkets throughout New Zealand. Supermarkets are the largest sellers of magazines and the data is seen as an accurate reflection of total sales.

In a statement, the owners of New Zealand Trucking, Dave McCoid, Matt Smith and John Murphy, said, “We‘re proud of the premier position New Zealand Trucking has continued to hold since its beginnings in 1985 and wish to thank readers, advertisers and contributors for their support.”

Since taking ownership of the magazine a year ago, the trio has improved readership appeal and increased reach through a better online presence, including weekly electronic newsletters with interviews, editorials, and opinions from significant industry players.

Truck Trader, the classified section of New Zealand Trucking, has had significant growth from extending its reach through its new website Sales manager Matt Smith says, “Trucks can be advertised as soon as the dealer is ready to promote them and can be removed immediately after a sale. The system is efficient and cost-effective.”
