Northland’s Show ‘n’ Shine

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineDecember 28, 2017

Northland‘s Show ‘n‘ Shine was spectacular on all counts, say event organisers.

The event, which was held on a 400-metre closed-off section of Okara Drive in Whangarei, had on display 104 rigs of all sizes and configurations, 168 cars and approximately 30 motorbikes.

It also drew a huge crowd, and the gold coin entry fee saw all proceeds going to the event‘s chosen charity, the Northland Emergency Services Trust.

One of the instigators of the Show ‘n‘ Shine, local transport operator Simon Reid, says the turnout exceeded the most optimistic predictions of organisers.

He says the idea, which was born out of a chat over a beer, was simply to give the public the opportunity to see some trucks up close, and to give the trucking industry the chance to engage positively with the public.

Simon says that in both regards the event was successful. The crowds that came were mainly family groups and to the delight of many— particularly the children—they were able to climb into the cabs and imagine themselves driving these huge rigs. For the local transport industry, it was great public relations.

The event culminated in a spectacular departure from the site, with the trucks, cars and motorbikes all moving out at the same time. The sound was deafening.

In the end, however, it came down to charity. The event raised a massive $13,328 for the Northland Emergency Services Trust, some of it direct donations from Northland trucking operators. No firm date has been set for the region‘s next Show ‘n‘ Shine, but organisers say there is likely to be another in two years‘ time.

