NZ Transport Agency agrees to cover costs of Wastney recertifications and repairs

In Uncategorized2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJune 12, 2018

Transport operators will welcome news that they will not be left out of pocket following the revocation of certification of hundreds of truck drawbeams, trailers fitted with drawbars and heavy vehicle towbars originally certified by Peter Wastney Engineering Ltd.

Although the NZTA says they are not legally liable, they have agreed to cover the cost of inspection, recertification and any necessary repairs or replacements, in order to lessen the impact on transport operators.

Letters have been sent to owners of affected vehicles, outlining the steps they need to take to have their costs covered.

If the affected vehicle hasn‘t yet been inspected, there are different processes depending on the location of the vehicle. NZTA will be invoiced directly for the costs of inspection and recertification, and where necessary, the repair or replacement of your towing connection.

Owners of vehicles located in Marlborough, Nelson/Tasman or the West Coast who have not yet booked their vehicle in for inspection are advised to call 0800 699 000 to arrange an inspection booking. Elsewhere in New Zealand, the vehicle should be booked in with a heavy vehicle specialist certifier who has ‘HVET‘ authorisation (see the list at Alternatively, talk with the engineering workshop normally used, who will have a certifier they can use.

If the vehicle has been booked in, but not yet inspected, the NZTA will be invoiced directly for the costs of inspection and recertification, and where necessary, the repair or replacement of your towing connection.

If an owner has already paid for inspection, necessary repairs or replacements and/or recertification, or has been invoiced for work completed, an application form sent with the letter (or downloaded from NZTA‘s website at needs to be completed and returned.

Email the completed form and associated documentation to or post it to the address on the form. All related information, including previously issued letters, can be viewed at:

Owners are advised the process must be completed by 30 November 2018.
