NZ Transport Agency suspends repair certifier

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineNovember 7, 2018

Auckland-based vehicle repair certifier Dale Barlass has been suspended from issuing certifications with immediate effect following consistent concerns about the quality of his work.

NZ Transport Agency‘s regulatory compliance team will now begin a formal investigation into Barlass‘s files and work.

“A formal investigation will urgently look at whether we need to revoke any of the certifications Mr Barlass has issued and whether we‘ll need to re-inspect any vehicles,” NZTA‘s chief executive Fergus Gammie says.

“We can assure New Zealanders this work will be completed as quickly as possible, in order to give vehicle owners certainty.”

Acting on advice from lawyers Meredith Connell, the NZTA suspended Barlass due to a series of upheld complaints, during which Barlass admitted to:

  • Failing to follow vehicle standards requirements when inspecting and certifying a vehicle

  • Not using manufacturers‘ repair processes when available

  • Issuing certification to a vehicle even though it was still damaged.

The action against Barlass comes as urgent work continues on 152 open compliance cases prioritised around risk to safety. He is the third vehicle inspector so far to be suspended as part of the wider review by law firm Meredith Connell.

“We have acknowledged that our previous approach has been neither sufficiently robust nor swift enough to ensure the highest levels of regulatory compliance in the past.  Now we are putting it right,” Gammie says.

“New Zealanders can expect full accountability and an increased number of enforcement actions taken to ensure compliance. Today‘s announcement is in line with that undertaking.”

For more information

If you have concerns about your vehicle, questions or want more information contact NZTA at

A call-free number, 0800 468 244, has been established for anyone who wants to anonymously provide information they may have about non-compliance. This phone line is operated independently by Crimestoppers, ensuring full anonymity, and is available 24/7.

