NZ Upgrade Programme moving forward

3 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMay 19, 2020

Over $3 billion worth of NZ Upgrade Programme projects are moving forward, with five major projects in Auckland, Wellington and Tauranga each a step closer to construction this week, the NZ Transport Agency says.

The NZTA has issued an advanced notice seeking registrations of interest from prequalified and experienced contractors for improvements on Auckland‘s Southern Motorway (SH1) between Papakura and Drury South, the Tauranga Northern Link in the Bay of Plenty and the Penlink connection from the Northern Motorway (SH1) to the Whangaparaoa Peninsula, north of Auckland.

“This is an important first step, where the NZTA is signalling to the industry that we‘re ready to go and are looking for partners to make these projects happen,” says NZTA general manager transport services Brett Gliddon.

“At the same time, the NZTA is entering into consultation with two shortlisted parties to build the shared path over the Auckland Harbour Bridge as part of the Northern Pathway project. This will streamline the process and accelerate the procurement process, with construction potentially beginning early next year depending on the consenting process.  

“We‘re also progressing with key NZ Upgrade Programme work on SH58 in Wellington. We‘re starting direct negotiations with the contractors already building stage one to build stage two of safety improvements between the Hutt Valley and Porirua, with work on the second stage likely to get underway at the end of August.”

Gliddon says planning work continued under the lockdown on all five projects, which form part of the $6.8 billion in road, rail, public transport and walking and cycling infrastructure over the next 10 years announced by government in January 2020 as part of the NZ Upgrade Programme to get our cities moving, save lives and boost productivity.

“These projects were always important, but the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy and construction industry have given them new urgency, and the progress we are making can give industry much-needed certainty that the NZTA is moving forward to build vital infrastructure which forms such an important part of the government‘s plan for New Zealand‘s economic recovery.”

For more information on the NZ Upgrade Programme see: 
