NZ’s SwitchMyFleet wins big at international awards

Critchlow Geospatia’s SwitchMyFleet solution has been announced as the winner of the Location-Based Services category at the Geospatial World Innovation Awards 2021 held in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
The Geospatial World Innovation Awards is a premium awards programme that recognises exemplary practices in the global geospatial industry.
SwitchMyFleet solution is an online evaluation tool for businesses considering transitioning their fleet to electric vehicles.
Wellington-based Critchlow Geospatial developed SwitchMyFleet to increase the pace at which New Zealand businesses transition to electric vehicles, demonstrating the viability of electric vans and trucks in each business’ unique situation.
SwitchMyFleet is a free tool that balances time, distance, and energy use to calculate the metrics that fleet operators and transport businesses need to build their business cases for transition.
The tool was developed with New Zealand government co-funding through the Low Emission Vehicles Contestable Fund.
“When we designed SwitchMyFleet, we did so with a clear view to helping New Zealand fleet operators “right size” their EV fleets to make the path to transition from internal combustion engines easier, but we also knew that there was huge potential in bringing a successful solution to international markets as well,” said Critchlow Geospatial group managing director, Steve Critchlow.
“This award is fantastic recognition and a real validation of the potential for SwitchMyFleet to have a global impact, one that can help accelerate not only New Zealand, but the whole world, towards more sustainable transport systems.”