NZTA announces Otaki to north of Levin preferred corridor

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineDecember 12, 2018

The NZ Transport Agency has announced that the preferred corridor for the new 24.2-kilometre Otaki to north of Levin road is one that runs closest to State Highway 1 and, in the northern section, alongside State Highway 57.

The preferred corridor is a combination of the southern section known as S6 and the northern section N4.

These shortlisted options received support during community engagement held in early 2018. Questions raised in community conversations led to further assessments being carried out, where NZTA considered ecological, heritage, social, noise and vibration aspects.

NZTA say the preferred corridor delivers strongly on safety and resilience, which are high priorities for many in the community, and for the project. It will also provide connections to urban areas and planned growth areas and supports options to make Levin town centre a better place to live and move around.

It is the shortest route of the options considered, and is expected to shift the most traffic off the existing state highway.

The corridor NZTA has identified is much wider than what will be required for the new road. The best location for the highway within the preferred corridor will be investigated and developed, and NZTA will accommodate adjustments for a number of factors. Subject to funding approval, they intend to progress this work between now and early 2020.
