NZTA publishes updated accountability documents

4 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJuly 8, 2019

The NZ Transport Agency has published two key accountability documents – an amendment to its Statement of Intent 2018-22, and the Statement of Performance Expectations 2019/20, which outline how it will deliver on its mandate to provide New Zealanders with a safe, well-connected and accessible transport system.

NZTA interim chief executive Mark Ratcliffe says the SOI and SPE detail the NZTA‘s priorities, putting people and place, rather than vehicles and networks, at the centre of the agency‘s decision-making, with safety as the primary focus.

“Around seven people die and around 50 more are seriously injured every week on New Zealand roads. Each death and serious injury has a devastating impact on our communities. We are applying the Safe System approach to road safety in everything we do to protect people from death and serious injury,” Ratcliffe says.

In the past, transport investments focused on transport benefits ahead of creating places and communities where people want to live and work. As the principal investment manager and planner for the land transport system, the NZTA will integrate land use and transport planning to create healthy, thriving and well-connected communities.

The SOI and SPE documents also highlight the increase in resources for the agency‘s regulatory function.

Alongside its people-focused approach, the NZTA is also working on targeted partnerships to create transport links and services that can improve social, economic and environmental outcomes for communities and businesses.

“Not everyone in New Zealand has easy access to a range of affordable transport options. Our focus is on improving access to the transport system for people, freight and tourism, particularly in high-growth areas. This includes promoting a shift from the use of private cars to greater use of public transport, walking and cycling,” Ratcliffe says.

From an environmental perspective, transport accounts for 18 percent of New Zealand‘s greenhouse gas emissions, 90 percent of which are from road transport. Transport also contributes to noise pollution and biodiversity risks. The NZTA aims to lead the transport sector in the transition to a more sustainable transport system that protects and enhances the environment and public health.

“To improve the resilience of the land transport system, we must factor in the effects of climate change and increasing traffic volumes and incidents, such as crashes, in our decision-making,” says Ratcliffe. “We need to better understand these risks and work with communities to prepare for and recover from disruptions such as earthquakes and severe weather events that can compromise vital transport links.”

Ratcliffe says meeting long-term financial commitments (including payments related to public-private partnerships) and delivering future National Land Transport Programmes will rely on sustainable future funding for New Zealand‘s land transport system, and this funding assumption underpins the plans and projections in the SOI and SPE.

The documents can be found online here:

NZ Transport Agency Amended statement of intent 2018–2022: 

NZ Transport Agency Statement of performance expectations 2019/20:
