Partial six-day closure of Saddle Road westbound lane next week
The NZ Transport Agency has advised the westbound lane on Saddle Road will be closed for six days from Monday 10 June.
The lane will be closed for roadworks from 8.30am to 2.30pm from Monday 10 June until Saturday 15 June. This is the first time the westbound lane will be closed on a Saturday.
The full westbound closure will allow road workers to raise the seal on the Ashhurst roundabout to create a smoother surface and to widen the area for heavy vehicles to get around it. There will also be road works before the summit of Saddle Road.
“Closing the westbound lane is the most efficient way to do this work while causing the least disruption to drivers,” says regional transport systems manager Mark Owen.
Saddle Road and the roundabout will be under stop/go traffic control during the lane closure.
Motorists can still travel east over the Saddle Road from Ashhurst towards Woodville, but will not be able to travel west over the Saddle Road from Woodville towards Ashhurst during the closures. The alternative route for westbound traffic is via the Pahiatua Track.
“We‘re advising motorists to plan ahead and take extra care while the roadworks are underway. Although the westbound lane will be closed, there will be some construction vehicles using the lane so motorists should still expect some oncoming traffic,” Owen says.
Planned closure days may change depending on weather.
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Roadworks positivity
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