Police launch summer road safety campaign

3 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineDecember 3, 2018

The message from NZ Police and the NZ Transport Agency to road users is simple – remain focused and drive as if your life and the lives of those around you depend on it. Be courteous, be cautious, and look out for one another.

The police launched their summer campaign last week with impairment prevention operations. As well as ensuring nobody was driving impaired, they also concentrated on general road safety.

“There have already been too many people die on the roads this year and we want you all to enjoy the New Zealand summer with your loved ones,” said Sandra Venables, assistant commissioner for road policing.

“Decisions you make as a driver impact not only on you, but all other road users. You have a responsibility to drive safely on behalf of everyone you are sharing the road with.”

Venables said passengers also needed to make good decisions about whose hands they are putting their lives in. If they had any doubts she encouraged them to speak up, find an alternative driver, or another option to get to where they needed to be.

“Designate a sober driver, make sure everyone in the car puts a seatbelt on, and let the driver focus on driving.”

Venables said police would be targeting the four main behaviours known to contribute to death and serious injury on the road – not wearing your seatbelt, driving impaired (by fatigue, drugs, or alcohol), driving distracted (such as using a cell phone), and speeding.

This week the first of four social media videos to back up police‘s on-road activity were launched, getting people to think about these behaviours that put lives in danger on the road.

“If officers witness people undertaking any of these risky behaviours on our roads, or we are advised of risky driver behaviour, we will take action either at the time or by follow up enquiries.

“We will continue to have a strong operational focus on road safety over the higher risk periods, which will involve all police staff, not just our road policing teams.

“Our staff will be visible and assisting you to get to your destinations safely by targeting unsafe behaviours.”

Don‘t forget that over the holiday period – from 4pm 21 December to 6am 7 January – if you’re detected by a speed camera exceeding the area‘s posted speed limit by more than 4km/h, you will be ticketed.
