Porter River bridge repairs coming up day and night, main road to Arthur‘s Pass, SH73
Damage caused by crashes into the Porter River bridge last year. Temporary rails will be removed and a full new bridge safety railing installed from next week.
People who drive between the West Coast and Canterbury, via Arthur‘s Pass, SH73, should be aware of delays of up to 10 minutes at a time, at the Porter River single lane bridge. There will also be six nights with longer closures in June.
Work will start on Monday, 25 May and go through to Friday, 12 June. Given the work is dry weather-dependent, these dates could change.
Work will be stopped for Queen‘s Birthday Weekend, Saturday 30 May to Monday, 1 June, says the NZ Transport Agency.
The repairs are needed as a result of crashes into the side of the bridge in 2019. As well as replacing the damaged bridge rails, they will be extended to increase safety, says NZTA maintenance contract manager Barry Stratton.
The Porter River bridge is about 8km west of Lake Lyndon, between Lake Lyndon and Castle Hill Village/Cave Stream Scenic Reserve.
From 25 May to 12 June, excluding Queens Birthday weekend, drivers should build in an extra 10 minutes to the journey past the Porter River after 5am and before 7pm.
From 2 June to 7 June, (Tuesday to Sunday) over six nights, night work will be underway from 7pm to 5am, closing the bridge. It will be opened on the top of the hour to let traffic through.
This work needs dry weather so dates could change if it is wet. Drivers are asked to bear this in mind, says Stratton.
Check this link for updates: https://www.journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/regions/12(external link)