Ports of Auckland chair Bill Osborne to retire

Ports of Auckland board chair Bill Osborne has announced his retirement.
In a statement, Osborne said he would be offshore for most of the last quarter of 2021, so was stepping away at the end of September.
“I have made this decision in the best interests of the company,” he said.
“When I stepped into this role at the start of the year, the company was going through a difficult time. It has been a privilege for me to work with the board and team at Ports of Auckland to get things back on track.”
Osburne said the business had a clear plan for the implementation of the recommendations made by the CHASNZ review of safety at the port, and for the completion of its automation project. Key strategies were also in place to lift performance for its customers and increase returns to shareholders.
Osborne was appointed to the Ports of Auckland Board in May 2017. He is a professional director, chairs Page & Macrae Limited and is on the board of Transpower. He is also the president of New Zealand Rugby.
“I will be offshore for most of the last quarter so stepping down in September is the best way for me to support a smooth transition. New directors can be appointed, a new chair elected, and momentum maintained within the business,” he said.
“It has been a pleasure and a privilege to serve on the Ports of Auckland board, and I look forward to the port continuing to play a critical role in Auckland’s future growth.”