Provincial Growth Fund investing in 3D mapping in the regions

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineOctober 31, 2018

The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) is investing in an expansion of 3D mapping to support major development projects and improve land use management in the regions.

Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced up to $19 million in co-funding to increase the national coverage of LiDAR data – precise measurements of the earth‘s surface done from the air and used for creating 3D maps to manage land use.

“The funding will expand LiDAR coverage, so that councils facing cost pressures can take part in the Government‘s programme to collect and make this valuable data available nationwide,” Jones said.

LiDAR enables smarter planning and investment in forestry planting operations, greater agricultural productivity and more efficient infrastructure development. The data is also essential for better flood risk mapping, understanding the impacts of climate change, and improved environmental management.

Councils will need to apply for the co-funding from the PGF. Land Information New Zealand will assist the Provincial Development Unit by providing coordination and technical support for all programmes to ensure national consistency and open data access.

The LiDAR dataset and the resulting Digital Elevation Model are an invaluable national resource. They help councils and different sectors of the economy better understand the impacts of natural hazards such as flooding and sea level rise.
