Save the date: 2025 Trucking Industry Show set for 7-8 March

In Uncategorized, News1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMay 5, 2023

The next Trucking Industry Show has been confirmed to take place 7-8 March 2025 at the Canterbury Agricultural Park in Christchurch.

Organised by the New Zealand Trucking Association, the Trucking Industry Show launched in 2014 and is generally run every two years.

The show is run to celebrate the industry’s professionalism, showcase products and services, show off hundreds of New Zealand’s best working trucks, inspire the next generation, compete in industry competitions, and enable networking and socialising.

The show attracts exhibitors, truck drivers and visitors from around the country and Australasia.

The 2022 event was a huge success – it saw close to 40,000 visitors over the two days, with 130 exhibitors taking part. The show attracted more than 500 trucks, with 478 participants in the Show and Shine. More than $71,400 was donated to charities.

The 2025 show will also feature a new layout and an exciting new space. Existing exhibitors and sponsors will be contacted with the offer of rebooking first, before the bookings will fully open.

More details on the 2025 show, including pricing and exhibitor options, will be announced soon. For more information, contact Carol McGeady, 0800 338 338 or