Scania introduces Smart Dash

In News, Scania2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineSeptember 15, 2023

Scania’s has unveiled its new digital dashboard, Smart Dash, which is says opens the way to smarter, safer and better truck driving experiences.

The dashboard has a mix of manual controls and digital displays, and is able to be individualised to driver requirements. Drivers can choose what information to display or omit and the whole set-up is made to be intuitive and user-friendly.

The dashboard’s modular build and digital solutions ensure that Scania trucks offer a secure, connected and comfortable atmosphere behind the wheel, says the company. Drivers receive discreet nudges from the Smart Dash whenever a hazard is anticipated or an action is requested.

“Apart from great overview and endless opportunities to individualise the driver station, our Smart Dash is also the leverage for increased communication and digitalisation in and around the truck,” said Stefan Dorski, senior vice president and head of Scania Trucks.

“Scania trucks can now be closely integrated with everything from the fleet management system to the actual driving environment and an array of cloud-based services for improved safety, uptime and productivity.”

The Smart Dash driver station includes two displays: the Driver Display in front of the driver and the Centre Information Display, a touch screen that is available in 10.1in or 12.9in. The driver can give input via the touch screen, by pushing buttons or by voice. Scania has settled for a balanced mix between physical and digital controls, steering away from hiding vital functions one or two levels down in a menu.

“The most well-used functions should of course be readily available,” said Eduardo Landeo, product manager, Scania Trucks.

“It is all about offering the drivers the best possible experience and making sure that new technology always supports the drivers rather than annoying them or bringing cognitive overload. Or even, in the worst-case scenarios, create situations where their focus wanders from the road and direct vision to adjust basic things such as the interior temperature.”