SH25A Coromandel to open early

In News1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineNovember 17, 2023

Waka Kotahi has confirmed SH25A in the Coromandel will reopen before Christmas, three months earlier than anticipated. The road will reopen by 20 December 2023.

Workers have now completed the deck of the new 124-metre bridge where the road collapsed during the storms earlier this year. Normally, a bridge like this would take over a year to build, but it has been completed in under seven months.

Waka Kotahi said there’s still work to do to get the bridge ready before 20 December. When the bridge opens it’ll be under traffic management while contractors complete finishing works, including drainage and planting.

“While work on the bridge has progressed, roadworkers have also cleared slips, upgraded culverts to increase the road’s resilience, and done further maintenance along the rest of SH25A to ensure the full road is up to scratch and is safe and strong,” the transport agency said.

“Getting this work done now means we’ll be able to avoid further work and disruption for you over summer.

“It’s been a tough year. We hope this new bridge is the gift that helps get the Coromandel back on its feet.”