Speed limit changes around the Waterview Tunnel

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJuly 16, 2018

Waterview Tunnel variable speed limits map

Maximum speed limits on parts of state highways around the Waterview Tunnel are changing next week.

From Monday 23 July, the NZ Transport Agency will be increasing the variable speed limits on sections of State Highways 16 and 20 around the Waterview Tunnel to allow maximum speeds of 100km/h in certain driving conditions.

Variable speed limits mean that the maximum legal speed limit can change between 30km/h and 100km/h and can be adjusted for the road and driving conditions.

“Speed limits are likely to be reduced during peak periods when there are typically high traffic volumes and in the event of incidents, crashes, maintenance work or extreme weather conditions,” says NZTA‘s acting system design manager, Kevin Reid.

“The motorways around the Waterview Tunnels are complex with a lot of different lane changes and high traffic volumes so we encourage people to follow the signs and drive to the conditions at all times.”

The first phase will happen on SH16 between St Lukes and Rosebank and on SH20 between Maioro Street and Dominion Road.

The second phase, on SH16 between St Lukes and closer to the central motorway junction, will follow at a later point once further work on signage and system requirements has been finalised.

“The Transport Agency takes adjusting speed limits very seriously and we have appreciated people‘s patience while the necessary investigations, consultation and legal processes were completed,” says Reid.

Speed limits in the Waterview Tunnel and its approaches will not change, remaining at 80km/h maximum to manage the higher risks associated with an enclosed tunnel environment.
