Stock cull season welfare reminder – if in doubt, leave it out

3 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineFebruary 26, 2019

Stock transport companies should be reminding their clients of the importance of ensuring the safety and welfare of any animals being culled this season.

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has advised owners of stock being culled that each animal is their responsibility until they are accepted by the processing premises or sale yard, and this could have an impact on their transportation.

MPI veterinarian and director of animal health and welfare Dr Chris Rodwell says while most animals travel without any problems, he has a simple message.

“Don’t take the risk with unfit stock – it’s not good for the animal, and if they don‘t arrive in acceptable condition you could end up with no return and a fine of $500.”

Rodwell summarises MPI‘s advice in six key points.

  • “Plan ahead and talk to your stock agent and transporter. Tell them if any stock are too tall for a standard truck, ask them how long the trip will be and ask for plenty of notice so you can ensure stock are in good shape for travel.

  • Don‘t assume your stock are going to the nearest works – it‘s not always the case. The longer the trip, the harder it is on the animal, so keep that in mind.

  • Prepare stock before the trip – stand them off green feed for four to 12 hours, provide hay or baleage and always have water available.

  • Dry off your dairy cows to avoid metabolic issues – if that‘s not possible, dose them with calcium and magnesium, stand them off green feed a few hours before loading, and milk them as close to pick up as you can.

  • Call your vet if you‘re unsure about any animal – if in doubt, leave it out.

  • Finally, use the Fit For Transport app – it‘s designed to make it easier for stock owners, agents, and transporters to select animals before transport.”

The app will help ensure the welfare of your animals during transport and avoid the risk of fines for sending animals that are lame, have ingrown or injured horns, have injured or diseased udders, or have eye cancer. It‘s free to download from iTunes or Google Play and will work on your smartphone or tablet even while offline.

