TDX raises over $50,000 for Braintree Wellness Centre

In News1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMay 12, 2023

A recent TDX initiative raised $54,712 for BrainTree, a Christchurch-based Wellness Centre facility for people with neurological conditions and their families.

TDX was supported by its key brand partners and suppliers, all of whom contributed to the overall success by generously donating 37 products or services for a series of online auctions throughout April.

The initiative was capped off with a customer evening at the Hotel Montreal with several live auctions.

“This was a great example of TDX’s overarching philosophy of ‘locals helping locals,’ in turn supported by businesses we have a close association with,” said Colm Hamrogue, chief executive at TDX.

“It’s heartening when we can be involved in an initiative such as this and contribute to the overall wellbeing of people with neurological needs in our community. It’s great to give back to a community that supports us.”

“We feel very privileged and humbled by the outpouring of support,” said Simon Challies, director of BrainTree.

“It’s incredibly generous and very heartwarming, as well as a stunning example of how businesses are going to extraordinary lengths to support us.”