The business of trucking, Moving metrics

3 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJanuary 31, 2020

New Zealand Trucking shows you how the economy is travelling via key metrics from the road transport industry. From time to time we‘ll be asking experts their opinion on what the numbers mean.

In this first report we look back at the 2019  numbers.

Summary of heavy trucks and trailers purchased in 2019

This information is put together from data retrieved from the NZ Transport Agency‘s Open Data portal

Vehicle type

This summary includes data for three heavy truck and trailer classes.

A goods vehicle is a motor vehicle that:
(a) is constructed primarily for the carriage of goods; and
(b) either:
(i) has at least four wheels; or
(ii) has three wheels and a gross vehicle mass exceeding one tonne.

A table of all vehicle classes can be found in Table A of the Land Transport Rule Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2016, Rule 41001/2016
( ).

Note: vehicle classes are not the same as RUC vehicle types or driver licence classes.

Road user charges purchased during 2019

This information is put together from data provided by the NZ Transport Agency. New Zealand Trucking magazine acknowledges the assistance of the media team at NZTA for providing this information.

RUC purchase for 2019, all RUC types

A description of RUC vehicle types is available at

Total value and distance of road user charges purchased between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2019 by purchase year.

Month-on-month purchase of RUC during 2019

The greatest RUC purchases made during 2019 were for type 1 vehicles, powered vehicles with two axles (except type 2 or type 299 vehicles). Vehicles in this type include vans, light trucks, SUVs and utes, and light cranes. Type 1 purchases were: 11,503,966,413 kilometres that cost $812,973,322.

RUC purchases for the top eight RUC types 

The top eight RUC type purchases, other than type 1, for 2019 in descending order were:

The red dots represent the cost of the RUC purchased for that RUC type for all of 2019 only, thus for RUC type 6 vehicles, powered vehicles with three axles (except type 308, 309, 311, 399 or 413 vehicles), the higher cost results from the high cost of RUC  for these type vehicles above 12 tonne. 
