Transporting NZ welcomes Police CVST’s McRandle

Mike McRandle has joined the team at Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand to lead its national team of regional and sector advisors.
Based in Canterbury, he joins the organisation from the New Zealand Police, where he leads the South IslandCommercial Vehicle Safety Team and is vice president of the NZ Police Association, both positions he currently holds.
“Mike’s experience, personal skills and extensive networks make him the ideal candidate to help lead us through the significant and wide range of changes that are coming our way,” said Nick Leggett, CEO of Transporting New Zealand.
“We’ve also got someone with excellent practical experience to be able to give operators general advice on compliance.”
McRandle’s appointment closely follows that of lawyer Billy Clemens, who started earlier this month. McRandle starts his role from Monday 27 June.
Leggett said it is “another demonstration of Transporting New Zealand building the diverse capability needed to address the challenges on the industry’s horizon – and shows members the benefits of a solid strategy coupled with delivering results”.