Truckies give Ports of Auckland ride-along experience to remember

In News1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineFebruary 9, 2024

National Road Carriers has set up some ride-alongs to provide Ports of Auckland a greater insight into trucking operations.

The industry body will provide ride-alongs for seven of the port’s senior management team.

POAL’s head of terminal operations, Nicholas Foster, hopped on board with Cargo Plus truck driver, Thomas Perry, and got on-the-ground insights into how containers move around the city once they leave the port.

Perry provided Foster with some solid feedback on his interactions with POAL with him observing:

  • Opportunities for better signage
  • The challenge a narrow constriction in the road poses for trucks
  • Very few driver facilities e.g., bathrooms after trucks leave POAL

There were plenty more insights and NRC is working with POAL to set up the next ride-a-long to enable more of the team to see what it means to be a truck driver using the port.