UK and European truck makers risk losing to U.S and China in zero-emissions race

Transport campaign group T&E is warning UK and European manufacturers they are at risk of losing out to U.S and Chinese competitors in the race to produce net zero emissions.
The group ranked European truck brands’ readiness to transition fully to zero-emission truck sales.
T&E assessed the compatibility of their voluntary zero-emission sales announcements with climate needs, and the extent to which they are aligning their industrial plans and business activity with those targets.
Scania, Mercedes-Benz Trucks, and MAN lead the way in Europe, while Renault Trucks and Iveco lag behind, with DAF coming in last. Volvo Trucks, the current leader in battery-electric truck sales in Europe, finished mid-table, with the report stating the company is not committed to only truly zero-emission technologies in the long term.
Scania, Mercedes-Benz Trucks, and MAN are all aiming for 100% new zero-emission truck sales by 2040 or earlier. Meanwhile, DAF has no public ZET target for 2030, and scored the lowest of all legacy manufacturers on battery value chain.
The report also looked into how European manufacturers perform compared to their counterparts in the US and China, assessing who is best positioned to win the ongoing global race for leadership on commercial vehicle technology.
T&E found Tesla and BYD outcompete most European manufacturers, and said these new entrants on the truck market could pose a threat to established truck makers in coming years.
Both companies have experience in rapidly scalingup zero-emission cars, and have built strong battery supply chains, including securing raw materials, T&E says.