Vipal Machinery supplies New Zealand retreaders with new equipment

4 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJune 19, 2020

Vipal Rubber, a leading Latin American company and one of the most important international manufacturers of retreading materials, has supplied two New Zealand retreaders with new equipment. Tyre Retreaders and Power Retreads have invested in the certified and proven quality machines produced by Vipal Machinery, a segment of the company that develops tyre retreading equipment for market partners.

Tyre Retreaders from Christchurch was the first foreign company to buy a piece of Vipal equipment, a VR01 Smart DUO buffer, in 2018. The company has now added the VOC-760 extruder to its production line. The machine assists with the application of rubber in the tyre and speeds up the preparation of the tyre in the retreading process, facilitating the process and eliminating eventual tyre surface imperfections.

According to Tyre Retreaders production manager Russell Hamilton, the speed with which the machine operates was impressive. He said the heating activity time was much faster, which resulted in time and cost savings per tyre manufactured. 

Like Tyre Retreaders, Hastings-based Power Retreads also invested in Vipal machines. The retreader purchased two pieces of equipment for its production line, the VR01 Smart DUO buffer, which allows the rubber to be removed from the tyre in the buffing process in an agile and precise manner, and the VOC 760 extruder.

“Our workflow has increased. We needed machines capable of keeping up with the new process, which is why we are happy to conquer devices of this size, which will facilitate the demands that we will receive throughout the year,” said Power Retreads owner Dave Leicester.

To strengthen Vipal‘s commitment with both partners, Vipal‘s team undertook the setup and installation of the machines in both companies.

Vipal‘s branch commercial manager Adalberto Fernandez said the line-up of machines is an intelligent and effective answer for retreaders who are looking for productivity and quality in their retreading process.

“We are proud to communicate that in New Zealand today our partners are producing their retreads with Vipal equipment. This was undoubtedly an important step, not only for Power Retreads and Tyre Retreaders, but also for retread tyre users in the country. This proves once again that the company demonstrates it is able to meet and overcome the most challenging demands,” he said. 

Since 2017, companies have been taking advantage of the benefits of Vipal Machinery‘s equipment. Retreaders from Brazil and other countries, such as New Zealand, Uruguay and Argentina, have purchased machinery from Vipal.

“The main goal of Vipal machinery is to bring the latest technology to our partners, wherever they are, offering them resource optimisation,” said Vipal Rubber director of international business Leandro Rigon. “Vipal Machinery makes use of all the technical and technological capacity in its engineering that has come to Vipal Rubber throughout its 46 years. We are therefore investing to expand our equipment and business portfolio in the global market.”
