Waka Kotahi to audit excessive RUC purchases

In News2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineJuly 13, 2023

Waka Kotahi will be auditing and invoicing RUC users for excessive Road User Charges purchases made during the temporary reduction scheme.

The Government reduced RUC rates by 36% from 1 March 2023 to 30 June 2023. Standard RUC rates applied from 1 July .

Waka Kotahi said it will be checking for any unusual or excessive purchases of discounted RUC.

If too much RUC was purchased at the discounted rate and users haven’t bought a new RUC licence by 31 July 2023, Waka Kotahi may send an invoice to charge the user the standard rate for all of the excessive RUC.

Light vehicle owners who bought too much RUC and whose current RUC licence will last past 31 July 2023 are required to buy a new RUC licence this month.

Users will need to enter their current distance reading when buying the new licence, and the system will credit back any unused RUC.

Heavy vehicle owners must buy a new RUC licence by 31 July 2023.

Users will need toenter their current distance reading when buying the new licence, and the system will credit back any unused RUC.

How to buy a new licence

You can buy a new licence online or at a RUC agent.

When you enter your current hubodometer or odometer reading, the system will credit you back any unused distance. You must use all of that credit in the same transaction, and your new licence must go past the end distance on your current licence.

Excessive RUC purchases

Waka Kotahi will be checking for any unusual or excessive purchases of discounted RUC.

If too much RUC was purchased at the discounted rate and users haven’t bought a new RUC licence by 31 July 2023, Waka Kotahi may send an invoice to charge the user the standard rate for all of the excessive RUC.