In Short Story August 2021, August 20211 MinutesBy Dave McCoidSeptember 28, 2021

“Absolutely wonderful,” is how Grant Keen describes working at the company he’s been with for the past seven years. “You won’t hear me saying anything negative. The job’s great, and because it’s trucking, communication is the key to keeping the home life happy. When things are on, you do full days, but then when it’s quiet, it might be nines, or tens [hours].”

A son of the city, 53-year-old Grant is another of life’s happy blokes.

Work life for him kicked off with six and half years in the air force. “No, I wasn’t a flyer; I was in supply and logistics.” (Wow, how handy is that?)

Once that adventure was ticked off and he was again a civilian, he took up driving. “I had lots of different jobs. Part- time driving positions and casual. You know how it is when you’re younger; you’re a bit wayward,” he laughs.

A keen motorsport enthusiast, particularly Indy-cars and Formula Ford, he spent many years travelling the country, crewing for successful campaigner Munro Tall in Formula Ford and classic car racing events.

These days, he’s a settled bloke indeed, with he and partner Lisa raising a couple of young ones. “Yep, life’s great.”

Photo above: Grant Keen. Lovin’ T410 life.